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  • Zen Mum

Me Time Update

Anyone who has kids knows how hard it is to find time for yourself. Back in May I decided I needed to give myself some time everyday just for me so I could reconnect with myself and I could deal with being a mother of 2 teenage girls, with demands of homework help and hair dramas to name a couple. Not only that but to also remind myself I am a person first, wife and mother second. In my first blog post (Why I Started the Blog) I explained

about my me time list and this is a update on how its going:

On September 10th I started a 14 day yoga course by subscribing to yoga for all with Adreine Michler .You received a email everyday with a yoga video to follow . The first week went really well, I did it everyday and I was really enjoying it. The second week was harder to fit in and the video lasted 3 days before they were locked . I did finish the course but it took longer than the 14 days. What it did teach me was not to make my me time a chore. When I do yoga from Adriene's channel I don't feel guilty if I miss a day as it's still there when I can fit it in and me time is guilt free time. Over all I did enjoy the course but not with a time limit.

My blog has also become something that's helped me zen out from being a mum especially when writing it and I'm also enjoying coming up with ideas. Its helping me to learn new things, for example: I've been reading about the moon phases and found it really fascinating how our bodies can be connected to them and why we feel the way we do at different times. So watch this space for a moon blog coming soon which leads me to me time activity no 3.

I've always loved books because they're a really good way to enter a different world for a while. I'm actually dyslexic so to help me with it my dad used to take me to the library once a week. That weekly trip was so exciting. Choosing a new adventure, that's where my love of books really started .Finding time to read is another thing I want to fit in. I've started a list of books I want to read (yes I know another list, I told you I had a problem) and it has things I want to learn about like moon phases, crystals and hygge. There's also some fiction in there too like the Crazy Rich Asian series and I'm looking forward to seeing the film but always like to read the book first. Talking of films...

Something I did that I haven't done in a long time is watch a film by myself. I work most weeks but twice a week I don't start till 6pm so this gives me the day free which usually involves housework. I have also started many DIY jobs in the house that need finishing such as stripping door frames for the last year. I use my days off to get jobs done to free the weekends for family time and I never thought to using them for me until the other week when I just had no energy. I couldn't get off the sofa, I wasn't ill just no get up and go so I stayed on the sofa flicking through Netflix and then I found Bad Moms. I really enjoyed it, watching something with bad language, sexual content and not having to worry about small people coming in. Heaven! It reminded me when I used to have a sofa day all the time before kids . The day on the sofa did me good as I went to work that night really chilled and now sofa days has made the list.

There is nothing wrong with taking a day off and being a teenager again to deal with your teenagers. So next time you've lost all your energy and don't want to do the housework, give yourself permission to have a me day.

Next week I am starting a 7 day mindful meditation course with Alo Yoga ( and I'll let you know how I get on.

Just trying to find a bit of zen in a house or hormones...🙏


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